WordPress weirdness

Just tried to post an entry with a bunch of pics in it, and man did it ever screw up my blog page!  LOL – oh well, I guess WP still has some kinks to work out!  We’re talking all of the menus and sidebars missing, images from the post missing, everything on the page centered, really odd line breaks between postings, strange bulleted list behavior, all kinds of craziness! I noticed some weirdness the other day too where it was converting my quotes and some other special characters (like slashes … Continue reading

So Close, but no cigar . . .

I”m always on the lookout for a gadget that approximates “My Perfect Gadget.”  And the one that caught my eye this time was the Sony mylo. It’s the right form factor, but it’s still missing some major components.  And being Sony, it’s WAY overpriced.  Sony and Apple both seem to think their stuff is hot shit, well it ain’t – not until it gets a bit more functional – read expandable and non-proprietary. What would almost make the mylo’s price acceptable would be: Built in GPS Cellular network connectivity (optional … Continue reading

Month at a glance…

July was pretty much a month of the doldrums as far as gaming is concerned.  I skilled up some new stuff in EVE Online and peeked in on WAR a few times, played a few rounds of BattleForge, and that’s about it.  A friend of mine keeps trying to convince me to come back to LOTRO and another is wondering if I’d like to check out Conan again, and I’m not really interested in either of those.   A couple of new games are on the horizon, but I don’t think … Continue reading

In Home Server Farm

So I’ve been thinking about this a bit, but not too seriously.  I’ve already got a webserver in my house that is a host for three websites. They don’t really do anything yet, I’m just kind of squatting on the domains for now.  But now I’m thinking I’d like a media server so I can store music and movies and junk for easy access. And maybe add an application server to the list so I can delete games and other junk off of my main machine, but reinstall it later without having … Continue reading

You know it’s Summer…

‘Cuz the blog gets very little attention… I’ve been busy at work and busy outdoors, busy cleaning house, busy, busy, busy – I tend to skip the whole “Spring Cleaning” thing and do all that during Summer for some reason. So besides all the work stuff, what have I been doing for entertainment?  Mainly I’ve been watching (the new) Dr. Who.  I just finished Season 4 over the weekend, so I’m all caught up with the show, as far as DVD releases go.  I’ve also been adding quite a few photo albums … Continue reading