DOL = “Dawn of Light” and it is a community driven, open-source Dark Age of Camelot server emulator that is coded in C# and has been a ‘work in progress’ for about a decade or more. Most of the information in this guide has been compiled from innumerable sources found on the Official DOLserver Forums. I’m writing this up-to-date guide because most of the ‘official’ documentation on DOLserver is outdated and I’m tired of trying to piece together information that is scattered willy nilly across a multitude of forums through … Continue reading
Between my “Summer Job” and still working at the high school, it’s been a bit tough trying to find time to blog – hopefully once school is out, in two weeks, I’ll have a bit more time to devote to blogging and other creative projects. This week I’d like to review my seed-starting experience for this year’s garden. I’ve prep’d a small area near an old tree house that my parents relocated to the ground in their backyard. I’m hoping to grow vines up the sides and flowers and herbs … Continue reading
Welcome to my Unity 3D Tutorial. I’m writing this to get folks up and running as quickly as possible with some of the simple things like setting up a project with all of the basic tools to create basic terrain, objects, lights, a skybox and some basic unityscript. Then we’ll work on some of the more esoteric topics like animated skyboxes (occlucding clouds) with day-night transitions, realistic terrain using height maps from GoogleEarth, and seamless transitions from scene-to-scene. I’m also going to include how to extract and import assets from … Continue reading
It’s been a very busy year since September when I started my new job at a local high school. Besides assisting with their college level courses I’ve been in charge of a small computer club, and that has kept me far busier than I anticipated. But it has been great fun as well and I really enjoy it! 🙂 In light of that, I’ve been quite remiss with my other hobbies; writing, photography, making YouTube videos, etc. I have added quite a few new cartomancy decks to my collection, and … Continue reading
I’ve been working on a video ‘companion guide’ to the translations I posted over the last year or so. I’ve just completed the ‘Clubs’ videos and hope to start on the suit of Diamonds today or tomorrow. I’ve added information about the ‘Gold Stars’ (which are usually astrological-planetary glyphs), and I also talk about the geomantic glyphs that occur under some of the ‘Letter Codes.’ Thanks for watching, and I hope your September is off to a great start! Enjoy! … Continue reading