Grand Lenormand – Part 8: Ace – Four of Spades

I’m still super busy, but I did find time to at least get started on the suit of Spades. I was hoping that I might get some down-time over Thanksgiving, but I doubt that will happen, since I will be travelling out of state to visit family and it looks like I’ll probably be helping one of my sisters move too. So much for a relaxing holiday at home – at least I enjoy visiting family, so I’ll still be having a good time. I just won’t be getting any … Continue reading

Grand Lenormand – Part 7: 9-King Diamonds

I thought I’d have this portion done over the weekend, but I had a “pet emergency” that took up a lot of time. My six year old cat, Percy, had lost a lot of weight and I was concerned that she might have cancer. So I took her to the vet Friday morning, and thankfully she did not have cancer, but she does have diabetes – SO I had to learn how to administer insulin twice a day and put her on a special diet. Honestly, I was pretty much … Continue reading

Grand Lenormand [Part 6] 5-8 Diamonds

Here is the next installment of my translation, I think I’m getting a bit better with the translation work as I progress, so that’s good. I’m also thinking about re-creating this deck with proper floral and constellation attributions, but that’s a long way off. Once I get this translation project complete, I’ll revisit that possibility. Enjoy! 5 of Diamonds [Group: The Zodiac] This card represents rewards and the promise of success in business affairs. It emphasizes your ability to rise to all challenges. The Letter B Represents: Possessiveness, Ability [lit: … Continue reading

Grand Lenormand Part 5 (roughly translated from French)

In this post I start the section of the book with the interpretation of the cards in the suit of Diamonds. In other news, the other book I ordered (also in French) arrived this week, so I can start doing some comparisons, but I don’t want that to color this translation work, so I’ll refrain from posting any of the comparative data until after I finish this current work. Enjoy! Ace of Diamonds [Group: The Unforeseen] This card represents good news in terms of business. Interesting propositions, fruitful projects, and … Continue reading

[Part 4] The Grand Lenormand (…in rough translation)

In this, the fourth part of my attempt at translating from the original French, I present the cards from the 8 of Clubs to the King of Clubs. In my next installment, I will begin working on translating the next suit; Diamonds. Until then, Enjoy! Nine of Clubs [Group: The Golden Fleece & The Zodiac] This card represents good financial prospects. Richness in all areas and particularly in associations with a prosperous partner. The Letter I Represents: Passion, Idealism, & Inspiration Floral Arrangement: Red Clover, Hellebore (Lenten Rose), Moss Interpretation: … Continue reading