Adventures in Blunder… I mean Blender…

So it’s been awhile since I’ve tried my hand at 3D modeling and animation.  I started way back when on my trusty Amiga 2000 when I ran a bunch of different 3D goodies (VideoScope 3D, Calligari, imagine, etc – I couldn’t afford LightWave, but a friend of mine had it). Since then I’ve also tried 3DSM and Maya at local “night school” type environments – I can’t afford those either. I could afford POV-Ray, and actually built quite a few “still scenes” with that tool.  But now I’m trying my hand at Blender.  Mainly … Continue reading

What’s a Voorwerp?

Well, I’ll tell you.  It’s Dutch for “object.”  Why am I writing about objects today?  Because a CNN blogger totally got the facts wrong on a recently Hubble photographed object named “Hanny’s Voorwwerp.” (hopefully the facts have been updated by now?)  Here’s the real skinny:  It’s much closer to the size of the Milky Way (100K Light Years across) than the cited 300,000 miles (which is just over the distance from Earth to the Moon).  There’s almost zero chance of it bumping into our galaxy (as suggested).  It’s over 650 … Continue reading

Welcome to 2011

2010 was a very slow blogging year for me.  There weren’t any new games that monopolized my attention and I was out of work for the lion’s share of the year.  It’s odd that I didn’t blog nearly as much during my downtime as when I was working – for some reason it just seemed like I didn’t really have the time.  Very odd.  It also shows that I probably did a lot of my blogging when I was bored at work.  I imagine that’s probably true for many bloggers. … Continue reading

Scanning Progress

The scanner showed up and so I’ve started scanning slides in earnest this week.  So far I’ve been pretty pleased with the results.  The only time the scanner fails, miserably, is in shots that are mostly of the ground with a lot of rocks (as is commonly found in the Southwestern U.S.).  A lot of the pictures I’ve been scanning are slides that my Dad took when he was following up on mining claims on the Colorado River in Glen Canyon prior to the creation of Lake Powell.  So there are … Continue reading

The Siege of Tulga

I decided to try my hand at taking a city (Tulga) last night to add to my collection of two castles (Distar and Asugan) to add to the Markovian Empire..  It was a battle between my army of 120 mainly Sarranid (Bedouin) troops against appx. 400 Khergit (Mongol) defenders.  It was a long, hard fought battle, but in the end the Markovians won!  Afterwards, there were several battles with the local warlords who hadn’t arrived in time to save their city, but were still bent on taking it back.  All were successfully repelled, and I even took a … Continue reading