Welcome to 2011

2010 was a very slow blogging year for me.  There weren’t any new games that monopolized my attention and I was out of work for the lion’s share of the year.  It’s odd that I didn’t blog nearly as much during my downtime as when I was working – for some reason it just seemed like I didn’t really have the time.  Very odd.  It also shows that I probably did a lot of my blogging when I was bored at work.  I imagine that’s probably true for many bloggers.

My “resolutions” for the blog in 2011 are:

  • Increase my posts this year over last year’s anemic 45 or so posts
  • Improve the number of posts that earn comments
  • Add to the number of views over 201o’s viewership stats

I think that getting another boring job will probably help me in these areas.  And even an exciting job would help as well, since there always seems to be down time in all professions.  It would also provide a bit more security in all other areas of life too.  I will say that I’ve never submitted applications out to so many “hiring employers” and never to hear back from them.  This is the first time that I’ve gone more than two months without some kind of employment.  It’s really weird and mostly frustrating.  But hopefully things are about to turn around.  I’ve got a couple “nibbles on the line,” so hopefully one of those will turn into something other than a boot.

I wish you all the best in the New Year, Enjoy!

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