Community Voices

I had an interesting experience today.  I attended a local “Community Conversation” meeting as a web/database technical liaison/expert .  The groups attending were, for the most part non-profit organizations, also known as “Community Benefit Organizations.” This was their third meeting (my first) and it was really interesting just to observe the dynamics of such a diverse group of 40 or so. Honestly, the job of trying to coordinate such an undertaking makes herding cats appear not only tenable, but maybe even FUN in comparison 😀 Anyways, from what I could gather, A LOT of … Continue reading

Foundations for a New Mythology

After reading the Thursday Night Tarot, I’m finding that I understand Joseph Campell’s “Masks of God” and “Hero of a Thousand Faces” much better.  Especially his proposal and understanding for the need of a new mythology to suplant the outdated, outmoded, and ultimately false religious mythologies so widespread today (Christianity,  Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, all the ‘isms). Anyways, it got me to thinking (always a dangerous circumstance), what context would I use if I were to create a modern mythology.  One that actually “works” in this modern era, and would continue to “work” well … Continue reading

Monthly Roll-Up . . . a little late

OY!  It has been totally crazy around my neck of the woods and I feel like I haven’t had any time for myself or to do things that I enjoy, like posting to the blog!  At least we were able to fill the open position at work in my dept. so hopefully things won’t be quite as fever pitch as they’ve been – but the new person won’t be starting for another couple of weeks.  So until then, things are probably going to keep up the frantic pace, after that, … Continue reading

Gardening Bug

With the onset of Spring, I’m really wishin I was in a house again so I could get out in the yard and do some gardening.  But since moving to Prescott last April, I’ve been living in an apartment – which has been a major adjustment in itself after having been in a house for almost the last 10 years.  I was able to sell my house back in NM (ugh, that “Steet View” is in Winter when everything was dead, so it’s pretty ugly), but I barely got out of it what … Continue reading