Month end stuff for November
My top posts this month were:
- Enochian Tablets… Building Your Own with 115 views (!)
- ScreenShots with 74 views
- More Dragon Age (and possible spoilers) with 56
- Gardening Bug with 45
- EVE Multibox Mining rounds out the Top Five with 42
I had a total of 850 visitors this month, bringing my annual total up to just shy of 8,500 – last November I only had a measly 276 visitors, but that first November I had the blog back in 2007 I had a whopping 2,000+ visitors due to a very helpful post about how to work the “mini game” in Hellgate London – still my highest ever monthly visitor count.
Last year I was officially leaving the LDS church, demonstrating how to make your own Tarot Deck, playing Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare, whining about Linux, and posting a couple musically themed playlists. And interestingly, not one comment about the election…
This month I started out all “Gung Ho” on NanoWrimo, and that lasted about two weeks before I gave up. Oh well, it was my first try at “speed writing,” and I actually did pretty well, I banged out almost four chapters of a book that I’ve had sitting on the back burner of my mind for the last couple years or so. And I have a pretty good outline for the remaining chapters, so it’s by far the most productive work I’ve done on that project. I’ve also spent a lot of time on my PHP Jukebox application and have integrated playlists and genre settings. Next order of business will be automating MP3 tag updating and live audio streaming, or just trying to figure out a way to secure/hide the mp3 files behind the streaming app. We’ll see.
As far as gaming goes, I got up to the last quarter of Dragon Age and kind of burnt out. I’m not sure why, I think I don’t want the game to end and now the end is in sight. So I spun up Hellgate London and hunted down the last single player patch and goofed around in post-hellburnt London for awhile. I’m really starting to Jones for some EVE Online action though, and I think I’ll probably be re-sub’ing to that sometime very soon!
December is shaping up to be crazy, as it usually is with two major holidays at the end of the month, plus all the stuff that’s supposed to get done at work before the end of the year – YAY, Stress is Awesome! – K, I think I’m gonna barf, but I don’t have time for that 😛 I just hoping to make it to the end of the year in one piece and enjoying the holidays in some fashion or another 😀 I hope your first week in December is Amazing! Enjoy!