It’s been a pretty busy gardening week this week. Mainly getting some of the seedlings moved into larger containers and just trying to keep up with the watering and weeding. Two more sets of plants finally germinated; Balloon Flower and Lovage. The Lovage was planted back on May 25th and just sprouted yesterday (June 17’th) – so nearly a month for that one.
Two other flats are apparently “duds.” Which may just be due to the age of the seed – Mexican bush Marigolds and Formosa Lily. The soil may be the issue with the Marigolds as well, so I may just try a re-do there with better soil and see what happens.
This week I moved a set of artichokes from their very crowded 1″ ‘pony pack’ to each plant in their own #1 container (1-gallon). I also moved some Hyacinth beans from their pony-packs to a large window-box container, which will be placed between a wire fence and a lath gazebo – so hopefully they will climb both. I’m hoping to move some datura out of their seed flat and into individual 4″ containers, and also do the same with several of the hibiscus that have begun setting their adult leaves.
In the gaming sector, I’ve lately been playing my Black Orc in Warhammer Online and having a blast. Probably one of the best “Tank” classes I’ve played in any MMO. He’s almost up to level 25, and then I’ll be taking him into the Land of the Dead to see how he fares there.
On the job-hunting front, I still haven’t heard back from one of my better prospects, so I’m probably going to give up on that one and focus more on getting course work prepared that I can teach as night classes.
I’d also like to get some web development contracts, but that will require getting my web-server configured so that it can be viewed by the “outside world.” That shouldn’t take too long, but it does require some configs to be re-done on both the server and on two of my routers.
Anyways, I hope y’all have a great Father’s Day weekend! Enjoy!