August Roll Up

I can’t believe it’s basically Fall already, but that’s how it goes! Most of my gaming time in August was spent in EVE Online with very brief excursions into Warhammer and the Champions Online preview/”open beta.”  September will most likely find me in EVE again as my major gaming outlet, with more substantial ventures into Champions Online (going Live Sept. 1) and Battle Forge (Renegade Expansion going live on Sept. 1 as well).  I may sneak into WAR as well, but probably only for very short peeks here and there.

As for the stats, here’s how things fell out for August – Top Posts:

  1. Enochian Tablets… Building Your Own with 166 views
  2. Gardening Bug with 158
  3. ScreenShots with 89
  4. EVE Multibox Mining with 37
  5. EVE 2009 with 35

In actuality, EVE related posts were probably the number one draw to the blog with over 160 views in my “top 10 posts,”  plus a few odd other EVE posts that weren’t quite as popular.  Still it’s pretty cool that my Enochian post is starting to generate quite a bit of traffic. It may inspire me to write a few more articles relating to the blog’s namesake.

The top search terms were for plants, however, so that’s pretty interesting.  I think I only had one post about gardening since I don’t have my own yard yet.  I think once I settle into a home again and really start gardening in earnest again, those types of posts will generate even more traffic as it appears folks seem very interested in that subject.

 According to my summary tables, my monthly average is staying stable at around 30 views per day, 875 per month – and I’m less than 2,000 views from doubling my total annual views from last year. So all-in-all I think the blog is healthy and improving with time.  I haven’t ever come close to my peak day/month, which was way back in Nov. 2007 when I posted about latest & greatest game, Hellgate London.  😀 

Best wishes for a great September and that Autumn finds you well! Enjoy!


August Roll Up — 1 Comment

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