DDO F2P . . . (sort of)

With the new “Free To Play” (F2P) release of Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO) I thought I’d check it out last night, and actually it was a bit of fun.  It had been so long since I’d logged into the game though, that my old characters were gone.  Not that I ever played them for very long anyways, but it might’ve been nice not to have to trapse through the tutorials.  Although it was probably a good idea for me to go through them again to re-familiarize myself with the … Continue reading

Labor Day post-op

I had a nice gaming Labor Day.  I started the weekend out with some Champions Online, and I think I’ve scratched that itch as much as I care to for now.  Don’t get me wrong, it IS is good game, but I’ve never really glommed onto the super-hero meme.  I mean, my favorite super-hero when I was a kid was Dr. Strange, and he’s really more like a mage than a super-hero.  I’ll probably re-visit the game very irregularly, like I used to do with CoX, and I’ll probably drop … Continue reading

Well, hmmm.

I’ve tried several characters in  Champions Online, and none seem to be able to hold their own after level 11-13 or so.  So I’ll probably be spending most of my weekend back in EVE since I can pretty much do whatever I want in that game on my own without needing others to progress.  At least in CoX I got near level 20 or so before it was impossible to solo.  Apparently folks were able to solo until the massive patch the other day, so much for that.  Unless I … Continue reading

A Long Weekend Approaches!

As expected, I’ve been spending most of my game-time this week in Champions Online.  I’ve noticed a few changes since the “preview/open beta,” basically for the better.  It seems that MOBs are much easier to kill for the first 10 levels than the were just a couple of weeks ago, or maybe I’m just better prepared for them, or my current build is just way more leet than the ones I tried out back then.  But for the most part, the first 10 levels just scream by, and they’re a … Continue reading

August Roll Up

I can’t believe it’s basically Fall already, but that’s how it goes! Most of my gaming time in August was spent in EVE Online with very brief excursions into Warhammer and the Champions Online preview/”open beta.”  September will most likely find me in EVE again as my major gaming outlet, with more substantial ventures into Champions Online (going Live Sept. 1) and Battle Forge (Renegade Expansion going live on Sept. 1 as well).  I may sneak into WAR as well, but probably only for very short peeks here and there. As for … Continue reading