A Warhammer Weekend

So I spent pretty much all of my gametime this weekend in Warhammer.  So far, I really like it a lot.  It’s got a lot going for it, and I definitely find it more fun now than any of the other MMO’s out there. I was also somewhat amazed (again) at how cool the design is in keeping Destruction and Order on the same maps, yet segregated for realm related questing.  You don’t get a lot of toadies from the other realm distracting/messing with you while you’re out doing hum-drum questing … Continue reading

Busy – My new “norm state”

Work is just over the top busy lately so I haven’t had a lot of time for gaming nor blogging.  I did get the latest update to EVE online the other day, and was able to login to keep my training plan up-to-date on my latest endeavor: covert-ops.  Naberius now has the skills to fly a “Buzzard,” but he still needs to up his training in Cov-Ops so he can use and fit a cov-ops cloaking device.   Once I get that done, he’ll move back to training up even more probe skills while … Continue reading

Nothing a little RvR couldn’t fix…

So I reread my post from yesterday and wow – someone musta’ really pee’d in my Wheaties or something, LOL!  Oh well, I’ve been doing some Open RvR in WAR and having a great time, so I guess I’m willing to overlook some of Mythic’s questing flaws.  Although I still get a little “angsty” when I think about those annoyances – esp. since they would be incredibly easy to fix. Oh well, I’ll just go RvR when the questing ticks me off I guess… In other news, I got a … Continue reading

MMO Dev Failures

I’ve had a totally crappy experience this weekend with MMO’s. I’m ready to quit both LOTRO and WAR for some of the overwhelmingly annoying things the developers have designed into the game.  If you thought Windows Annoyances were frustrating, try having stupid and gratuitous game mechanics being thrown at you when your paying monthly fees to supposedly be entertained and just trying to have a good time. DENIED! First we’ll take on Warhammer, since they’ve probably pissed me off more than LOTRO ever has. Several quests that I wanted to try … Continue reading

My MMO is better than your MMO!

I’ve sort of been watching from the sidelines the latest row between The Ancient Gaming Noob and Syncaine about World of Warcraft (WoW) and Warhammer; Age of Reckoning (WAR).  Really it all boils down to personal preferances and playstyles.  For example, TAGN has a very cool entry about how his mother and his daughter (and himself) are all able to play WoW together.  And I think that is very cool.  But does that make games where grandmas, sons and granddaughters cannot play together bad? Would they make a great football team? No. … Continue reading