New Project: Scanning Old Photos

I’m gearing up to dive into a huge project at home, digitizing a sizeable photo-archive.  This week I’m planning on ordering a scanner build just for photograph scanning, an Epson Perfection 600.  I’m really hoping the “Digital ICE” is as good as reported.  Some of the slides, negatives, and photos I’ll be scanning do have some damage, so I’m very hopeful that this built in corrective software can really do what it’s claiming. In the mean time, I’m trying to convince my mom to give me full access to all … Continue reading

Not “tagged” but thought I’d play along…

So there’s apparently a game of “tag” where when you’re “it” you’re supposed to post the sixth picture from your sixth folder of photo folders.  So I got curious as to what that would be in my collection.  My sixth folder was “2004June,” and the photo is: I used to live about a mile or two North of this spot, and I remember this trip ‘cuz on the way down from this ridge I got a flat tire and I didn’t have a spare!  YAY!  Oh well, at least it wasn’t … Continue reading