
OMG!  Say goodbye to November, ‘cuz I went and did it.  I signed up to participate in NanoWrimo this year.  A crazy typefest where one tries to write a 50K word novel (first -very rough- draft) before the end of the month.  I’ve had a project lolling around in the back of my head for quite some time, so I figured this would be a great opportunity to completely massacre it – I mean work on it and actually get something produced besides vague ideas in my head.

It’s time to put pen to paper and just get something written down!  Actually I’ve got a pretty good outline including a semi-cogent plot line, so hopefully that will help.  The “kick off party” for local Prescott participants is tomorrow evening at the library – which is oh so handy, since I work there 😛  The biggest problem this is going to cause is that the Sunday “Write Ins” that I’d really like to participate in are at the same time as one of my other time commitments, a Jungian Tarot Course.  Hmmm.  Kind of a dilemma, but maybe there will be other spontaneous write-ins I can attend.  I’ll see if anyone is interested in doing some on Saturdays tomorrow night at the kick off party.

Not much else going on – TONS of work, and not a whole lot of gaming.  I did mess around with my Ranger in DDO the other day, and she’s definitely one of my favorite ‘toons, although I do think the pally has a big advantage over her with his self healing.  I probably won’t be gaming much in November either, unless I can keep up with my daily word-count quotas.  We’ll see how it goes.

In any event, it should be a fun month!  I hope y’all are having a great time, Enjoy!

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